Sunday, 20 March 2011

Origami4tsunami gets street wise!

On Saturday 19th March we had our first origami4tsunami street event, where we set up tables in our street in Hackney and made origami. Loads and loads of Origami. We started at about 12.30pm and finished off at around 4.30.

Rae (8) stopped people walking down the street and explained what we were doing. , which As did Kesia (6), though some people she spoke to thought we were collecting for the "Japanese Salami".

setting up

getting busier

 We developed a nice line in patter: "we have Origami from the traditional to the conceptual".

traditional and conceptual...

This being Dalston the conceptual did really well with loads of people taking away Kesia's work (above on the left). We also taught people to make things which they took away with them.

Satisfied donators taking home their/our creations:

 Nicole and her "dog takes boat"

Dave and a penguin made by Jonjo
Marguerita and a cat made by David and Simon
Heads were down all round. A veritable hive of industry.

As Jonjo put it the day was "brilliant". Thank you, thank you to everyone who stopped and talked to us, folded with us, and donated their pennies and pounds.

We made two hundred and fifty-one pounds and seventy-four pence which I will give to the Japanese Red Cross tomorrow through the Just Giving page (see the link on the right).

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